Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Digital Divide questions

1. Bishop talks alot about how the new wave of digital media is altering how a humans mind set on very fundamental levels, do you think it is possible for humans to start physically evolving based on habits that are being formed in this day and age?

2. With the expansion of the Internet and it's rise in users do you think artists of today are suffering in originality and creativity? or do you think they are now more creative then ever before?

Thursday, November 14, 2013

3-D Sculpture!!!

This was by far my favorite project we have done this semester. I want to potentially get into 3-D modeling and such for videogames so it was extremely exciting to get to work in a program that allowed me to get some hands on experience and create something in 3-D space. I had so much fun creating my sculpture and playing with all the different options and such that I could. This project didn't feel like school work to me, it felt like play time. I am also extremely proud of how my project turned out given it was my first time using a 3-D modeling software. This whole assignment just got me extremely excited for the future!!!!!!

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Growth Assembly by Sascha Pohflepp

Facial weaponization suite by Zach Blas

Sascha Pohflepp Background:

Sascha Pohflepp (born in 1978 in Germany) is interested in science and technology and their myths and realities, how they are reflecting our hopes for transcendence and how they are shaping the reality of our world. He has worked with numerous artistic and scientific collaborators on projects ranging from the microcosm of synthetic biology to the macrocosm of space exploration.

Sascha Pohflepp holds an MA in Design Interactions from the Royal College of Art London and a degree in media art from The Berlin University of the Arts. 

Zach Blas Background:

Zach Blas is an artist, writer, curator, and researcher whose work engages technology, queerness, and politics. He is the creator of the art group Queer Technologies, a founding member of The Public School Durham,  a contributing editor for the online journal Version, and a PhD candidate in The Graduate Program in Literature, Information Science + Information Studies, Visual Studies at Duke University. Currently, Blas is a resident at Eyebeam in New York City.

Zach Blas holds a Master of Fine Art, Design Media Arts, University of California Los Angeles; a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate, Art and Technology Studies, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago; and a Bachelor of Science, Film and Philosophy, Boston University.


Both of these artists are very intelligent people and have a lot of interesting ideas. The works I chose from each artist come from a field revolved around conceptual ideas. Some being put into practice and others are speculated and not far off. Both of these artists revolve around science and technology and its advancing steps. Though Sascha's piece's are drawn and Blas's are tangible  three dimensional objects, they both have a very effective push at the message they are trying to get across. Both artists are looking towards the future in both of these pieces and attempting to make a statement towards what society will eventually evolve to. 


Sascha uses a series of drawings to present a concept that may actually develop into reality based on the current advancing pace of our technology. Sascha is purely concept driven with real world ideas thrown in. Zach Blas approaches a rising issue with how the government is keeping tabs and records of everything we do as well as the result of a study that shows people can tell your sexual orientation depending on what your face looks like. He addresses our privacy and sexuality and brings into light the extent of how the government is watching us and how they are using facial technologies to do it as well as the discrimination that follows someone being homosexual. Blas has workshops where he takes the participants faces and turns all of them into a mask that cannot be detected by these softwares and cameras and such. The weaponization of the face is one of the main ideas behind the mask. So Blas is making a statement through his artwork while Sascha is using the art to introduce future concepts and ideas.